Tuesday, October 17, 2017

{Review} Siege & Storm(The Grisha #2) by Leigh Barudgo

Page Count: 435
Published on: June 4, 2013
Published by: Henry Holt & Company
Genre(s): Fantasy, YA, Romance
Source: Paperback - borrowed from Julia
Age Rating: YA
Where To Find It: Goodreads // Amazon

My Rating: 4.5 stars

Goodreads synopsis:

Darkness never dies.

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her--or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.


Hey, guys!

     I read this book a couple months ago back when I actually had time to read and it was one of my favorite books that I read. I desperately miss the Grishaverse and I cannot wait to read more after this semester ends. Siege & Storm follows Alina and Mal after the end of Shadow & Bone and continues on with their magical and politically driven adventure. I absolutely loved this book. Leigh Bardugo has such a magical ability to create such an interesting and addicting world and amazing characters that I can't help but love. 

     Once again, I'll sound like a broken record when it comes to Bardugo's books. Her writing style is so addicting to read. She has such fantastic ability to create a rich, dark, and intriguing world and magic system that I want to know more about. I just adore every element of this book. It was a bit slower than Shadow & Bone, but there was so much tension as the book progressed, so that is probably why.

      I loved the new character, Nikolai, that was introduced. He is so dreamy and I hope he doesn't end up to be an ass. He's so complex and interesting and I cannot wait for the series that is being developed about him. I need it tomorrow. I still cannot help but love the Darkling. He's such a fantastic villain. I need more about him. I (not-so) secretly hope for a great character arc. He and Alina are just a massive ship for me. I want it. Mal can choke. I still cannot stand him. He's no good for Alina. No thank you. Alina is so complicated and fantastically written. I adore her character.

Okay you're going to hate me for using the world "complex" again, but it's my go-to for this review, I suppose. 

The political aspects of this book are so rich and complex and I just get so caught up in the politics of the war. I need more and I cannot wait to read more about it. The issues that these characters are facing are so fascinating and I cannot wait to finish this series, but yet I don't want to at all! Ah this will be so bitter sweet!

My Review of Shadow & Bone: {click here}
My Review of Six of Crows: {click here}

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