Hey, guys!!
November has been a whirlwind of school work and actual work. I've barely had the time to read, but I did manage to finish my favorite book of the year during my Thanksgiving break! I'm so freaking excited to have a few weeks to read and catch up on blogging! Stay tuned for a lot more content!
This month I finished 2 books, a novella, and I'm temporarily DNF-ing a book.
Here are the lovely books I read!

~ Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo by Rick Riordan
Rating: 3 stars
Page Count: 28 pages
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Publishing Date: November 14, 2017
Format: ebook - Kindle app
This wasn't Rick's best short story, but it was a great example to use for one of my creative writing assignments where I had to mimic the style of another author. I loved revisiting Percy and Grover. I love love love their friendship and the mythology that was incorporated into this piece was so much fun. I absolutely adore Rick's writing and I can't wait to catch up with his Apollo and Magnus Chase series. He's a big literary inspiration for me.
~ Dumplin by Julie Murphy
Rating: 4 stars
Page Count: 384 pages
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Publishing Date: September 15, 2015
Format: audiobook via Hoopla / ebook via Hoopla / physical copy via library
I absolutely adored this book. The characters were so well done and the story was so freaking addicting. I love love love Willowdean. She's such a well rounded and realistic character. I loved reading about her growth and struggles. I really loved the secondary characters in this book. I love how Julie incorporates their own personal friendships with Willowdean. It really added a lovely depth to the story that most authors don't accomplish well. In including each character through their different sort of friendship with Willowdean, it just made it so intriguing and fun to see their growth throughout the book.
Reading this book was so dysfunctional -- only because I made it that way. I started this book via audiobook and got about 40% through that way, then I read it on my phone via ebook, and then my school's library had it on the shelves, so I picked it up physically, and finished it up via ebook. I don't regret it one bit. All three formats were so much fun. I do recommend any of them.
~ {Temporary DNF} Now I Rise by Kiersten White
Rating: temp DNF (@ 25%/ pg. 118)
Page Count: 471 pages
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Publishing Date: June 27, 2017
Format: ebook via Kindle
I was originally excited to read Now I Rise after finishing And I Darken, but after reading KOA, I just didn't think it was the right time for me to pick up this book. It was much slower paced than what I wanted and I just wasn't interested. Radu also began to annoy the heck out of me. I know that Whitney (aka WhittyNovels) really really loves these books. I hardcore trust her opinions, so I'm just going to wait and give it another go sometime.
~ Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7) by Sarah J. Maas
I will be writing a complete review for this book after my last final, but I just want to say that this book completely blew my mind. I absolutely adore adore adore this book! I cannot handle how much I loved this book. I already miss the characters so much and I'm just dying for more of Sarah's work. I can't wait for her 2019 releases to come out.
Number of Pages Read: 1,522
Favorite November Read: Kingdom of Ash (duh)
Happy reading, guys!
~Liv the Book Nerd~
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~Liv the Book Nerd~
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