Hey, guys!
This year I read 43 graphic novels, comics, and picture books. This is such a massive amount and I'm sure that is why I was able to read over 100 books this year. I absolutely love this form of literature. They are so much fun to immerse myself into. Artists and illustrators are so talented and the writers that they work with are just as amazing! I'm excited to see which graphic novels, comics, and picture books that I pick up in 2019! Here are my top 4 favorite graphic novels and series that I read this year!

1. The Saga Series by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

1. The Saga Series by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
This series just takes the cake for 2018. I absolutely adore everything about this series. I cannot wait to read Volume 10 in 2019. I'm already in withdrawls. Rereading the first two volumes and continuing on with the next five volumes has been such an amazing reading experience. I cannot wait for volume 10. The end of 9 left me completely broken and dead.
Volumes 1-3: {click here}
2. The Wicked + The Divine series by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and Matt Wilson
This series is so freaking addicting. When I started this series in January I could not put it down. I read the first several issues within 2 or 3 days, putting off all responsiblity. I cannot wait for the next issue to come out! I'm so excited to see where this story goes on!
Volumes 1-6 + Christmas Single Issue: {click here}
Volume 7: Review coming soon!
3. The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
This summer, Julia and I read this gorgeous book for one of our book club picks. This has quickly become one of my all time favorite stories. If you haven't picked up this beautiful book, you need to! Quickly!
4. The Runaways by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka
I've only read the first 7 issues of this awesome series, but I'm absolutely obsessed with Rainbow's writing and Kris's art style. I'm so excited about this series. I'm definitely trying to keep up with it!
Issues #1-6: {click here}
Issues #1-6: {click here}
What kind of graphic novels did you read this year? Do you have a favorite? Let's discuss in the comments!
Happy reading!
~Liv the Book Nerd~
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