Tuesday, May 24, 2016

This Amazing Book Is Not On Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester

Page Count: 224
Published on: October 13, 2015
Published by: Random House
Genre(s): Nonfiction, Humor, Biography, Autobiography, Memoir, Contemporary, Comedy
Source: Hardback (NOT SPONSERED)
Age Rating: PG-13

Where To Find ItGoodreads // Amazon

My Rating: 5 stars

Goodreads synopsis:

Hello reader,

In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet!

We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil's teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan's a fail.

Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on what to do in an awkward situation and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas...


Hey guys!

      If you know me or follow me on any of my social media platforms, you would have noticed my deep love for Dan and Phil, DanIsNotOnFire & AmazingPhil on YouTube, and how excited I have been for TABINOF. Dan & Phil have been in the U.S. for a couple of weeks now, and I hadn't read TABINOF completely through. My sister received the book when we turned 18 in October, and she received a signed copy! Anyway, I just didn't have the time to read the book all the way through, and I guess I just didn't get to it once I got the time. One day, I was hanging out with the high school librarian during my study hall and we were talking about the new books that would be placed in the library this summer, and TABINOF was one of them. I totally geeked out, and I just sat in her office...on the floor... and read the bits that I hadn't read before. I mean I skimmed some of it because I didn't want to read it all in one go because it's absolute gold! I don't want to ruin it! 

      Dan and Phil are just so funny! Reading TABINOF was like having one of their videos in your head. I could hear their voices in my head (Dan's laugh and Phil's giggle too!) and it was just such a fantastic experience! Their little quizzes and games and pages based on the major events that had occurred within the Phandom...hilarious and kind of sad...they could make you a bit nostalgic about a few...yeah..

     This book screamed "TUMBLR" and it screamed "Dan and Phil"...I have never read anything like this, and it was so fun to read. I actually kind of think this type of set up is really genius. Dan and Phil are really really intelligent and all of their content is really original and real. When my sister and I watch their videos, there is never a time where we do not laugh or smile. The same goes with their book! Hilarious and original! Their personal stories weren't forced or potentially fake like other autobiographies, but they were equally embarrassing and hilarious and very Phan. Their fanfiction (which was recreated with fanart on their channels) was so original and hilarious too. I loved reading it again. 

I highly recommend this book and their videos!

Book Related Videos:

Dan's Channels:
Phil's Channels:
Dan & Phil's Channels/Channels They Are Involved In:

**All links to their social media platforms are on the about tabs on their main channels**

Other YouTuber Book Review by Me:

I hope you enjoyed this review! If you would like more reviews of YouTuber books comment down below! 

Happy reading!
@LivTheBookNerd on Books

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