*Translated by Richard Howard*
Page Count: 98
Published in: 1940
Published by: Harcourt, Inc.
Genre(s): Fiction, Fantasy, Children's Fiction, French Classic, Classic, Philosophy, Academic, European Lit
Source: Print: Paperback (French) & eBook (English)
Source: Print: Paperback (French) & eBook (English)
Goodreads synopsis:
Moral allegory and spiritual autobiography, The Little Prince is the most translated book in the French language. With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy who leaves the safety of his own tiny planet to travel the universe, learning the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a voyage to Earth and further adventures.
Hey guys!
The Little Prince follows the narrator of the story. The narrator begins the story by expaining how he draws and how adults interpreted it. Eventually he becomes a pilot and he crashes in the Sahara and meets the the Little Prince. The Little Prince tells the narrator about his planet and how he came to be on the Earth, and how he tries to learn the behavior of the "big people" (les grands personnes). This story is full of symbolism, allegories, and beautiful poetic language.
So, my third year French class started The Little Prince towards the middle of the school year, and we read it until the very last day..and we didn't finish it. Haha. At first I was really confused, because we were reading it in French, but eventually I got into it and understood it for the most part. The symbolism throughout this novel is really interesting to figure out and it's really cool to see how the Little Prince lives and how he travels to Earth. I really loved the chapter about the baobabs and about the Little Prince meeting drunkard and the last chapter before the Little Prince left his planet. I loved how loyal the Prince was to his flower and it broke my heart what he did towards the end. If you don't understand the symbolism in the middle of the novel you definitely will understand it at the end...Trust me guys...you will...
If you enjoy children's fiction you will enjoy The Little Prince. It's been said that you should read The Little Prince at least 3 times in your life: when you're a child, when you're a young adult, and when you're an adult. I've read this once now, and I plan on reading it again. It was beautifully written and a wonderful story. You will enjoy it!
My Favorite Character: The Little Prince
My Least Favorite Character: The Snake
Enjoy guys!
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