Tuesday, January 10, 2023

2022 Reading Statistics

 Hello, lovely people!

I haven't updated in a hot minute, but I just wanted to touch base to cap off 2022. I'm not going to post my ususal yearly wrap up, but I did want to share my reading statistics and share some links if you're curious about what I managed to read in 2022.

My life is currently in a state of chaos and I'm not sure when it will slow down, but if you'd like to keep up with my reading shenanigans, please head over to Instagram and Goodreads to keep tabs on what I'm reading and getting up to. 

A quick life update! I'm still married to my best friend, Alex. Our first year of marriage was so wonderful. He's teaching full time and has finished his schooling for now. He's so incredible and wonderful. We've had a lot of financial stress this year and lots of trials that have only brought us closer. For one, our car was broken into and we lost some items and my bank accounts were hijacked, but that worked itself out. It just wasn't fun to have to replace items and get our car fixed. But we're safe and making sure we're safer when we're in bigger cities. 

I'm currently working at my alma mater in the library and I'm enrolled in classes to get a master's degree in informatics and library science. I'm in my second semester (day 2!) and I'm having a blast. I'm also working hella part time at a famous coffee chain, but those shifts are just side quests to get more loot to pay the bills. I'm having a great time with my classes and it's all online, so it's just really nice to be able to study and work on my homework before a library shift or on a day off on my couch. It's the opposite of stressful most days.

I'm still working on my novel, tentatively titled Freyja, and I've been participating in the various NaNoWriMo challenges. I "won" the last official NaNoWriMo and added 50k words to my current manuscript. It's currently sitting at 180k words and I'm still working to finish at the end of this year. I'm aiming for 200k words, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up sitting at a higher total. If you're also participating, let's be buddies on the NaNo website! I'm livthebooknerd over there too. 

Now to the reading statistics!

In 2022, I managed to read 155 books. I met my reading goal by the skin of my teeth. A good portion of those books were manga and graphic novels. I was absolutely in my manga era in 2022. We can thank my best friend, Renee for that. I started or read so many fun new series and I'm having a great time continuing them. 

(not all are shown in the picture)

Number of Books Read: 155

Number of Pages Read: 37,514

Average Length: 242 pages

Average Rating: 4.1 stars

Shortest Book: Layover by Emily Henry (9 pages)

Longest Book: House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas (807 pages)

Most Popular: Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief  by Rick Riordan (shelved 3.7+ million times on Goodreads)

Least Popular: Ruri Dragon by Shindou Masaoki (shelved 66 times on Goodreads)

Highest Rated: The Rosebud Boy by Rainbow Rowell (4.77 average rating on Goodreads)

Interested in the masterlist? Check out my Year in Books on Goodreads!

Well, that's that! I'll be posting my top favorites and my top 5 ...probably tomorrow? We'll see! Questions? Just comment below! 

Happy reading, friends!

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