Page Count: 199
Published on: 2006
Published by: Canongate Books
Genre(s): Fiction, Mythology, Historical, Fantasy, Cultural
Source: paperback -- for a class
Age Rating: ?
Where To Find It: Goodreads // Amazon // Book Depository
My Rating: 3 stars
Goodreads synopsis:
For Penelope, Odysseus's wife, running a kingdom while her husband is away fighting in the Trojan War is no simple matter. Already distressed that he had been lured away because of the shocking behavior of her beautiful cousin Helen, Penelope must also raise her wayward son, face scandalous rumors, and keep more than one hundred lustful, greedy, and bloodthirsty suitors at bay.
Margaret Atwood gives voice to Penelope, one of antiquity's most infamous heroines, so that she can tell her story at last and set the record straight once and for all.
Hey, guys!
The Penelopiad is a retelling set in the Underworld long after the original events of the Odyssey. In the novel, the story is narrated by Penelope and her twelve maids through prose, narrative, and other mishmash ways. I really enjoyed the overall concept and premise of this book, I really enjoyed the mythology and backstory of the classic epic poem, and I really enjoyed Penelope's narration style. Once again, Atwood did not disappoint. I was thoroughly entertained. My friends Gabby, Redd, and I always came to class with something to say about this book. It created a really great discussion in class.
Overall, I thought this novel was really interesting and fun to read. There was never a dull moment when reading from Penelope and the maids' perspectives. I really enjoyed their speculations concerning the events of the Odyssey, the analysis of the different characters from the other characters, and I especially loved the parts that were completely from the maids' perspective.
I really enjoyed Atwood's modern take on this epic mythological story. I'm such a huge fan of Atwood and I'm such a sucker for anything that involves mythology, so this was perfect. This book was one of the main reasons why I took the class this semester, but it actually a bit of a letdown and a joy at the same time? It really wasn't what I was expecting (letdown) but it was still fantastic (joy). It was all in my head, so it's kind of hard to explain. Overall, all you need to know is that it was actually really wonderfully written. I really enjoyed the speculation and different takes on the story.
I couldn't go into major detail with this book because it's really character driven and really plot driven, but it's just short enough that I'd probably spoil something.
I recommend this book if you love mythology, retellings, and fascinating fictional, but maybe historically based stories. Sorry this was a bit of a convoluted mess, but I know y'all would enjoy this book.
Happy reading!
Overall, I thought this novel was really interesting and fun to read. There was never a dull moment when reading from Penelope and the maids' perspectives. I really enjoyed their speculations concerning the events of the Odyssey, the analysis of the different characters from the other characters, and I especially loved the parts that were completely from the maids' perspective.
I really enjoyed Atwood's modern take on this epic mythological story. I'm such a huge fan of Atwood and I'm such a sucker for anything that involves mythology, so this was perfect. This book was one of the main reasons why I took the class this semester, but it actually a bit of a letdown and a joy at the same time? It really wasn't what I was expecting (letdown) but it was still fantastic (joy). It was all in my head, so it's kind of hard to explain. Overall, all you need to know is that it was actually really wonderfully written. I really enjoyed the speculation and different takes on the story.
I couldn't go into major detail with this book because it's really character driven and really plot driven, but it's just short enough that I'd probably spoil something.
I recommend this book if you love mythology, retellings, and fascinating fictional, but maybe historically based stories. Sorry this was a bit of a convoluted mess, but I know y'all would enjoy this book.
Happy reading!
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