Hey, guys!
This round of Cram-A-Thon was soooo ROUGH!!! I didn't really follow my TBR at all because I was just struggling to push through my reading slump. However, I did technically read four books. Granted, I did finish two books that I had already started, but I'm counting them! It took me a while to get through these books, so I'm pretty proud of my reading progress. Consider this a sneak peek into my June Reading Wrap Up! Here are the books that I finished and the challenges that they correspond with!
Challenge 1:
A predicted 5-star book
I really wasn't sure what I would have rated these four books. I was hoping for higher ratings, but all four of these books ended up being 3 star-books for me.
Challenge 2:
A book that's out of your comfort zone
None of my four books were out of my comfort zone. I just read what I could because I was in such a terrible slump.
If I were to stretch this challenge, I could maybe put The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue in here. I'm not a huge historical fiction fan, but I did really enjoy this. The only reason this book doesn't receive a 4-star rating is that I easily just put it down. It's been sitting on my currently reading pile for a couple months and I just didn't have any desire to finish it.

Challenge 3:
A book that has been on your TBR for a long time
None of these books have been on my TBR in a LOONG time, but I have been meaning to reread Red Queen to continue on with the series since Glass Sword came out in 2016.
Challenge 4:
An LGBTQ+ Own Voices Book
That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston
I'm not sure if this is an own voices novel, but it had some great LGBTQA+ rep. I cannot attest to its authenticity, but there was some great diversity throughout this novel. Though this book had a wonderful alternate world, I really did not enjoy it as much as I would have hoped. The characters, relationships, and the pacing just weren't up to par. The world, the diversity, and the alternate history were fantastic though. I really enjoyed those bits.
I will have a review up for this book soon!
☆☆☆ I gave this book 2.75 stars ☆☆☆

Challenge 5:
Something that is not a standard novel
Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard
I'm not sure if this counts, but I did read 90% of Red Queen via audiobook. That is not my usual means of reading, so it's not standard for me.
Goodreads thoughts: {click here}
2015 Review: {click here}
This time around I gave
☆☆☆ Red Queen 3 stars ☆☆☆

Challenge 6: A book with your favorite color on the cover
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

This is actually the book of the month pick for the Liv the Book Club. I really expected to enjoy this book, but it really fell flat for me. I wasn't that big of a fan. I'll have a full review coming soon.
☆☆☆ I gave The Belles 3 stars ☆☆☆
Challenge 7:
Read 7 books
I read 4 books. Ha.
Happy reading!
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