Hey, guys!
I'm back with another group of reviews! This past year was a really great year for reading new adult romance. I really enjoyed exploring the genre and finding the authors that I enjoyed. I'm excited to see what other new adult books I pick up in 2019. Stay tuned for more reviews and maybe some rereads!

November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Page Count: 310
TW: trauma, questionable advances, non-consensual sexual advances
I have a love-hate relationship with this book. I absolutely adore the characters - Fallon and Ben. I loved the whole concept of this book. It was really unrealistic but so addicting to read and I couldn't put it down. I really wish it had been executed a little differently, but overall I really enjoyed the story. Though I really enjoyed the concept and the characters. I also really loved how the book would make fun of itself sometimes. It was sort of meta, but also not? I'm not sure what to think.
With that being said, there were also quite a few aspects that were really problematic. I'm still not sure what to rate this book because of these elements. I really did not enjoy how Colleen used trauma and exploited the character's self-confidence issues to further the relationship. That really irritated me and made me feel gross for enjoying the book. Ben also really did not understand what consent meant. Some of the "romantic" scenes made me very uncomfortable and I wish they had been handled with more care. I understood what Colleen was going for, but the execution was just not stellar.
I think I'm going to reread this book in 2019. I'd love to mark up my book and write a longer review. I'm just so unsure at this point, but I really wanted to get my initial thoughts down.
When reading this book, read with caution.

It Ends With Us ~ 3 stars
Page Count: 367
I read this book while on a plane to and from Seattle, Washington and let me tell you...this was a hard book to read. The topic was incredibly impactful and very hard to stomach at times. This probably the most impactful CoHo book to date. I really did enjoy this book quite a lot. Lily is such an admirable and wonderful character. I absolutely adored reading her story. She is one of those characters that I can't help but root for and be proud of. She was raw, she was realistic, she was vulnerable, she was stronger than I could ever be.
The powerful message of this book is so inspirational but so heartbreaking. I love the originality of this storyline and I'm so glad that I picked this up. If you read this book, I implore that you read the author's note after finishing this book...but only AFTER, okay? It's pretty essential to the whole ending of the book.

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover
Page Count: 306
This was another CoHo book that I could hardly put down (that tends to be the case whenever I read her books). This was another romance novel that touched on such a relevant and heartbreaking for both parties in the relationship: infertility. While reading this book, I felt so incredibly empathetic for Quinn and Graham. Their love is so beautiful and real, but when they begin to have problems having a child, their relationship and marriage are tested.
This story was absolutely beautiful. It is definitely my second favorite CoHo book. I can't wait to read what Colleen gives us next.
I'm also so glad that I got to go see Colleen during her Chicago tour stop. It was definitely an adventure to remember.
Follow Courtney and Mallory @bookishmalpal and @courtney_ann_g
Paper Princess by Erin Watt
Page Count: 370
I'm not usually prone to reading romance novels that are solely written for those who just want drama drama drama. I'm not usually a mega fan of books that are so unrealistic and fantastical that I roll my eyes every other page, but I surprisingly was quite engaged when reading this book. It was just so mindless and fast that I couldn't put it down. I'm not sure if I'll continue the series, but we'll have to see. I might pick them up from the library.
This was just really fun to read. If you're looking for something mindless, potentially sexy, and full of drama..this is for you!

When It's Real by Erin Watt
Page Count: 413
When I first started this book, I was absolutely addicted. I loved it so much, but once it hit the half-way mark I really started to hate it. Once the two love interests got together, it was just bad. I was not a fan of the romance. One of my comments was "gag me with a tuning fork". I think I said that two or three times while reading this book.
Overall, the first half of the book was excellent, but the last half really killed it. I just really did not enjoy the cringy-ness of the relationship. It wasn't executed well.
Happy reading!
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