Hey, guys!
If you've followed me consistently on my social media, you've probably read my complaints about how I've started school. I'm just going to be totally up-front with you all. I'm really struggling with fitting reading for fun in my school schedule. There's just so much to do. I'm the most involved with school this semester than I've ever been. (Hooray for having my own vehicle!)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that I will probably blog infrequently until I get my crap together. I'm not sure when that will be, but my top priority is school right now. I'm paying to be here, so I'm committing. I think I said this last semester too. You guys know the drill.
I was going to originally post this the Tuesday of my first week, but it just didn't happen. This will be going up during my third week of school, so I hope you guys like this tag. I had a lot of time answering the questions.
Required Reading
A book you bought because of someone else's recommendation
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
I just recently bought a copy of The Book Thief by Marcus Zuzak because my best friend Maddie absolutely raves about it. My friend, Alice (@thereadinglitchi), is also a major Zusak fan. They have been raving about The Book Thief for such a long time, so when I went to Half Price Books last week, I decided to splurge and purchase a copy.

On Reserve at the Library
Name a book you read and loved but don’t own a copy of
Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern
I read this book from my local library back in 2014 and it was instantly a new favorite. I had picked it up on a whim. I hadn't even known about the movie. This story is so sweet and it made my little 16-year-old heart melt. Someday, I'll have to pick it back up again.

Buying New
The most expensive book you’ve ever bought
the Bloomsbury Harry Potter box-set
I purchased this sometime last year during a BookOutlet sale. It was sooo cheap! I think it was $45 or something. I think I saved $70-90 because of BookOutlet. I just remember that it was cheap, but still quite expensive. I absolutely adore the Harry Potter books. These editions are stunning.

Buying New
Do you write in your books?
I only write in my school books. I rarely ever write in my fun books. I'll tab them, but I don't particularly like to annotate because I never really stick to it unless it's for academic reasons.
A book you lent someone that they never returned.
Back in elementary school, I lent a friend a copy of my one of my favorite books. She moved schools and never gave it back to me, though she won't admit it. I'm not salty anymore, but I sure was at age 11.

“Required Readings”
A book you’ve lied to people about reading
I don't really lie about reading books. However, I won't admit that I just skim boring books for my classes. A lot of the books that I read last semester were actually skimmed and SparkNoted. I would attempt to read them for hours and I just did not understand them. It was more productive to try to understand the story and skim for specific moments to read, rather than commit to something I didn't understand at all.
I hope you guys enjoyed this tag! It was really fun to do!
To all my college student readers, good luck! You can do it! It is hard, but we will carry on and do our best!
Happy reading, all!
~Liv the Book Nerd~
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